Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Featured Creature: He's Sownh Art

interior full
moonlight reflected
reveals nothing on the outs
but the house rumbles and shakes
from the earthquakes

the sadness madness 
can't must run away 
can't must defeat it 
bury swallow it 
tear shred chew 
the wet sucking sounds 
of never never never ever 

in the darkness 
he eats his own heart

in the light 
the werewolf walks like a man

{8x5.33,  created in Adobe Photoshop}
Recommended Listening:
from Amir

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Psyche Delectus: Hiss Room

All is all
High and low
Thee realization comes:
all states are energetic
all being can be harnessed
What is needed shall arise.

Recommended Listening:

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Psyche Delectus: EE - SS NDN OH

logical negation vectors 
cascade into the undeniable
dance of observable reality.
belief bows in fealty to 

Recommended Listening:

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Psyche Delectus: Emerging

The dead peels away slowly
as the living struggles to freedom.

Recommended Listening:
from Homogenic

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Psyche Delectus: Invisibles Day 2019, Epiphanies of The Self

Each year on November 23rd I offer a new piece of art dedicated to one of my favorite comic books series, The Invisibles.

On November 23rd, 1995 Grant Morrison involved the readers of his comic book series The Invisibles in a group act of sigil magick.  Check out the original letters page from the comic to see how the idea was initially presented.  Join me today in my annual celebration of The Invisibles Hypersigil!

Recommended Listening:
from Angstlos

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Previous Years:

Invisibles Day 2017: The Warrior Manifest


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Psyche Delectus: The Crowd Parts for The Sword

Who tells you who you are?
Who gives you permission?
Who are you in the either or?

Us or them,
Royal or lunatic,
Celebrity or nonentity
Livestock led to slaughter,
Product bought and consumed
Commodity into trash:
We bind ourselves to mediocrity
With the slavery of our projections.

Dress Yourself 
in the clothing of your Hopes and Fears
Dress Yourself
in the Joy and Hate you've given away
Dress Yourself
In every never-thought-you-could.

Conformity is death to the Soul.


Recommended Listening:
from Careful

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

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