Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Festival of Orgone 2012: June 20th-July 4th

Please join me at Trail of Breadcrumbs, beginning on the Northern Hemisphere's Summer Solstice, for the two week event I am calling the Festival of Orgone!  Everyday on and between the Summer Solstice and U.S. Independence Day this year I will be posting a new Orgone inspired piece of artwork.  With each piece I will be posting information about Orgone and other universal energies.  Below are a few of my previous pieces based on Orgone energy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Light and Dark Kachinas

Here are a couple of the little ginger bread astronaut men that drive my machine.  Made from the same source material and pretty much the same composition, I figured I'd keep them together.

Monday, April 09, 2012

The Process: As Above, So Below

This is a map of the intensity and resources and energy necessary to make even small changes in the world.  The Alchemy of Spirit, the challenge of bringing desire into reality. Viewing this piece finished was when I realized all the changes that I was making in my world were changing me, permanently.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012


I was worried upon my first viewing of this piece that it was too muddy and obscure, but the more I view this piece, the more it reveals.  Learn more about Baphomet here.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Raise Up My Light

It burns in my heart like an ingot of molten metal. Sometimes it moves to the forefront from the far reaches of my mind and boils over my view until I cannot see past this driving force.  There is no reason, just the scream, only the scream.

It will be free.  If I do not find a way to release it, it will seek its own purchase in the world.  It will strike like lightning, burning and breaking until it is spent.  The surge of blood.  The great red sea.  The Odin force.  The Kundalini.  The opening of the great eye. The life death scream of the hawk.  When it wakes, the world trembles.

There is an older piece I created in graphite that is a sister piece to this one.  I will get a photo of that one soon.  It is larger than my normal work.  Also, It was packed away during the move and will need to be extracted.

Recommended Listening:

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Sunday, January 08, 2012

5x5 Issue Four Cover: The Mask of Fire

This was the image I created for the fourth issue cover of 5x5 fiction.  I had two 5x5 stories accepted to this issue.  Please check out the fourth issue!  I have also had two pieces accepted to issue four!

Recommended Listening:
Floating Free (Krama Remix)

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Io Pan!

I spent a good bit of time trying to truncate this image once it reached this state, but I finally chose to accept it as it is.  There are so many elements that are important to the meaning of this piece and every time I tried to crop it or manipulate it further, something important disappeared.

Here is Crowley's Hymn to Pan.  An interesting symbol to start the new year off with. Also, there are some elements hiding in this piece that remind me of some of the strange artwork associated with Alchemy.

Recommended Listening:
Access to Arasaka
from Oppidan

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

UPDATE 011515:

This piece is now available as a tshirt or other paraphernalia at my Neatoshop.  Drop by and check it out!

Thursday, September 01, 2011

The House that Fear Built

Anger.  Wrath.  Rage.  I've been trying to create an image that exactly matches my feeling, but halfway through every piece, it changes.  It never stays anger.  In this case, I realize that the anger was built on a foundation of fear and dread.

I think this might be a message to myself.  The Rune Sowelu is mirrored in the piece as indication of damage from a negative solar experience.  Now that the light of the true sun is arriving the fear of that past damage is rising like a ghost pain, inspiring me to retreat from love and light.

In actuality, the true sun would heal the pain, but the previous negative encounter was so great as to cause a powerful panic driven fear of this type of encounter.  So the fear went to ground...underground.  From its seed has grown anger, rage, denial, and despair.

My Anger and Rage are defense mechanisms attempting to protect the part of me that was damaged in the previous incident.  Being only damage control, they were never meant to last and have begun to break down as the expenditure of energy required to maintain them is becoming greater than the energy needed to heal.  The current set of experiences in my life have pushed me further and further out of every comfort zone I have.  All my defense mechanisms are eroding and collapsing out of the necessity of energy conservation. All my issues are springing forth anew.  All my dead are returning to life.

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Ah, the pride of ego. It can get us into many a tight spot. There may be more than ego involved here, but my first thought when I was finished was EGO. My original idea headed into it was Rage, but in the middle of that explosive flame, I found this little blue faced guy. A cool center to the radius of flame and destruction.

If I could have fire instead of hair I would. As long as I could turn it off and be invulnerable to its affects. LOL.  I'm sure I would have to buy shirts and hats more often, but you have to admit, it would look cool.  :-)  No such luck there.  Burned my finger yesterday with hot glue gun.  Now I have an ugly alien looking blister on my thumb.  Hooray...and ouch.

{Digital Images manipulated in Photoshop}

Sunday, July 17, 2011

From the Archives: Portfolio 2001 Back Cover

This is my favorite of the three 2001 portfolio pieces.  The aura of mystery alone sustains it.

The front cover initiates the portfolio.   It is very presentation oriented and uncomfortably intimate.  The table of contents, still presentational, is focused on organized content.  This is the end of the portfolio, or even further after the end.  The portfolio is finished and these are the last visual echoes of its passing.

The fire of inspiration has been extinguished and the plumes of smoke evaporate into the night sky.  Here the hand of the artist is retreating, fading into the night of clouds.  The portfolio has been presented and the hand now moves away, leaving you to think on what you have observed.  The image block of the moon has lost its glow and become transparent, its contrast and intensity diminished.  It is being absorbed now by the sky. 

This piece is best observed while listening to Cocteau Twins or Dead Can Dance.  I recommend Victorialand or Within the Realm of a Dying Sun, respectively.  I know this is all pretentious and silly, but once in awhile there are those images that move beyond mere representation and step into the mythic, the symbolic.  I am very grateful to have had this image move through me.  Pretentious or not, the mystery within this piece moves me.

Like the preceding pieces from my 2001 portfolio, this was scanned from a physical copy.  This one had many touches up as well and also was sadly lost to The Hunger of the Zip Disks.

{digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Sunday, May 01, 2011


Bones are always buried.  During our lives, they are buried in our flesh, and when we die we place them under the soil. 

{created in Photoshop.}

Monday, April 18, 2011

When in Deep Water...

When I began working on this, it was going to be a more detailed interpretation of the sketch I did for The BlackSun, but as I continued, it became something more.

{Created in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign.}

UPDATE 091014:  A permutation of this piece is now available on a tshirt design or other cool paraphernalia at my Neatoshop!  Drop by and check it out!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Man in the Moon

This was going to be a business card design, but it never got to that.  I like my current design much more but this image still has a good bit of Magick to it.

{Digital Images manipulated in Photoshop.}

UPDATE 091014:  This piece now available on a tshirt design and other cool paraphernalia at my Neatoshop!  Drop by and check it out!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Searching The Sky

This is the image for the cover of my current Resume / Portfolio.  I just like it by itself though without all the pesky text.  Also, it is flipped.  Some of these elements are part of my business card as well.  I'll have to find that and post as well.  :-) Enjoi!

{Digital Images manipulated with Photoshop.}

Monday, April 11, 2011

Loss of The Way Secrets Burn

This painting was acrylic on Masonite.  I believe the masonite might have been treated with something as the acrylic has begun to chip away from the masonite.  The damage is very sever and I don't think I can save the painting.  However I was able to get several good photos of it and I'm going to try to repair the existing damage on the digital images.  I will post that once it is complete.

{Acrylic on Masonite.}

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Self Portrait: The Pluto Mirror

Call Pluto a moon if you like,
but its retrograde motion still has Strong effects.
Photo manipulated in Photoshop Elements with the Bamboo Pen Pad.

Thank you H.P. Lovecraft

A Brief depressive H. P. Lovecraft moment earlier in the year.
However, this is me acknowledging a part of myself and bringing it home.
Thank you Darkness, for keeping me alive when the light died.
Thanks also to Adobe Photoshop Elements and Bamboo Pen Pad.

Monday, September 21, 2009

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