Sunday, January 29, 2012

Guess Who Finally Got a Scanner?!?!

It's going to take me a little while, but now I can finally update with some decent scans of the sketchbook pieces I've posted.  YIPPEEEEEEE!  :-)  I think I'm on the smack / rub payment plan with the universe, because overall this week has been total crap, but here at the end of it, a very nice surprise.

This scanner will allow me a variety of things, not the least of which will be the ability to scan my drawings for my comic book work.  This will allow several stalled projects to truly get moving again since I won't have to pay $12/plus an hour at Fedex Office to rent a scanner.  WAHOO!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Guardian

Blocked and bound at the wall of forbidden passage. This is another one of those pieces that doesn't want to give up its information.  There seems to be a diffusion around it.  My attempts at revealing its inner nature seem to be pushed away each time I try to analyze it.

Interesting that there is a Venus symbol in the structure of the piece and what appears to be the head of a large bull hidden in there as well.  If we follow the structure of the Crux Ansata and apply it to the Kabbalah, the guardian head emerging from the circle would be in the placement of the Daath level which is associated with Choronzon.   Choronzon is often considered to be the dweller at the threshold, the demon of dispersion, the guardian at the gate.  So now my difficulty in analyzing this piece becomes clearer.

Alan Moore and J. H. Williams III give a very interesting depiction of this level of consciousness in the 20th issue of Promethea.

Recommended Listening:
from Moderat

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Saturday, January 21, 2012


STEAL THIS VIDEO! Re-Upload to YouTube and Everywhere!

Sign THIS PETITION to Save Richard O'Dwyer from Extradition NOW!
Julia O'Dwyer's Real Twitter!/@jrodwyer 
Please Follow his Mum before it's too late!
even more at

UK Student Richard O'Dwyer is being extradited to the United States to face USA Courts for just LINKING to copyrighted material on his webpage The USA is using an extradition treaty intended to be used for terrorist to bring England Resident Richard O'Dwyer to America to be imprisoned for copyright infringement for what he did on his site in spite of the Fact that he broke no UK / England Laws and has never been to the USA.
The Famed Billionaire Alki David has publicly announced that he will cover ALL of Richard O'Dwyer's Legal Costs in the USA once he is brought here to stand trial.
MPAA Head former US Senator Chris Dodd supports the Imprisonment of World Citizens in the USA for Copyright Infringement and has called Anti SOPA and PIPA pundits "Dangerous".

This Video continues to expose how the Large Media Companies Actually Created the phenomenon of "Online Piracy" to Craft laws to take over the World Wide internet and Media Portals. And How big Media Promoted Sites like Rapidshare and Megaupload

SHARE THIS VIDEO: Why the MEGAUPLOAD seizure is dangerous for EVERYONE!

Please watch this video and take some time to think about the dangers of this government corporate tyranny.  Please note they took this action without SOPA or PIPA.  The fight for our rights has truly begun.  Arm yourself with Information!


PLEASE Sign the Richard O'Dwyer Petition HERE;

See More Evidence of how CNET / CBS caused the Phenomenon of Piracy with the Help of So-Branded Partners such as AOL and the MSN Network

Jammie Rasset Thomas Story on Wikipedia

Richard O'Dwyer Story, Extradition Pact Being MisUsed

For Profit Prisons

New York Times, US Prison Popular Dwarfs the rest of the World's

Article: For Profit Prisons a GREAT Business Opportunity

86 % of US Prison Population is Victimless Crimes

Megauploads Story od Raid and Arrests

130,000 Downloaders Sued for Downloading Just One Movie

Anti-Piracy Lawyers Sue Dead Person

Ars Technica Report that 2011 Judge Rules that MASS Lawsuits are Legal and Can Proceed

Article that Downloading can Destroy Your Career Including a Report of NEW Mass Copyright Infringement Filing against Users

Thousands More Bittorrent Users to be sued article

Mass Lawsuits start against Porn Downloaders in 2011

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I tried to black things out on my blog, but I couldn't get the code to work so I am just going to make a regular post.

If you haven't become involved in the protest against SOPA and PIPA I ask that you do so now.  These bills will for all intents and purposes MAIM the internet.  I'm sure that many of the review blogs would be shut down almost immediately due to supposed copyright infringement issues.  Please read some of the information on SOPA and PIPA and I'm sure you will see the direction this will head if it is passed.  Go to the Wikipedia protest page to contact your government representatives and let them know what you think of this attempt at online censorship, please.

Bullet in the Brain Pan

This one is a sister piece to Io Pan.  It was created from the same source material, but with a very, very different outcome. Io Pan seems to be moving towards some greater cohesion whereas this piece is about violent dissolution.

On an unrelated, but related note, I recently watched I saw the Devil for the first time.  The movie is dramatically gory, but as I was discussing with my friend Josh, it is gory with a purpose.  You need to feel knee deep in blood by the end of that movie.  I feel as though that kind of aesthetic applies to my pieces like this.  This piece is difficult for me to look at because it should be.  I feel I need to make a counterpoint here.  The movie Hostel and those of a similar make like the SAW series, are simply torture porn to me.  I Saw the Devil is a story about Revenge and all that it entails.  In Hostel, we are watching torture with no other overtures or elements.  In I saw the Devil the director takes you through the horror of the situation to bring you to an ultimate point of tragedy.

I guess I'm justifying a bit here because I was nervous about this piece from the moment I created it.  I'm not afraid of gore and the visceral reaction it evokes from me, but there is a line.  I do not want my pieces to be gory for the sake of aesthetic violence.  I guess my question becomes then...Where is the line?

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Raise Up My Light

It burns in my heart like an ingot of molten metal. Sometimes it moves to the forefront from the far reaches of my mind and boils over my view until I cannot see past this driving force.  There is no reason, just the scream, only the scream.

It will be free.  If I do not find a way to release it, it will seek its own purchase in the world.  It will strike like lightning, burning and breaking until it is spent.  The surge of blood.  The great red sea.  The Odin force.  The Kundalini.  The opening of the great eye. The life death scream of the hawk.  When it wakes, the world trembles.

There is an older piece I created in graphite that is a sister piece to this one.  I will get a photo of that one soon.  It is larger than my normal work.  Also, It was packed away during the move and will need to be extracted.

Recommended Listening:

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Gestation Mandala

I usually save my mandalas for Trail of Bread Crumbs, but this one was so gory and dark I figured it would be more at home here on here on Zombie Bites.  I don't have much for you on this one, other than it makes me think of raw steak bits or a wounded heart.

Recommended Listening:
The White Birch
from Star is just a Sun

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Sunday, January 08, 2012

5x5 Issue Four Cover: The Mask of Fire

This was the image I created for the fourth issue cover of 5x5 fiction.  I had two 5x5 stories accepted to this issue.  Please check out the fourth issue!  I have also had two pieces accepted to issue four!

Recommended Listening:
Floating Free (Krama Remix)

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

From the Sketchbook Archives: Taurian

Another Sketchbook Portrait. Once again, sorry on the crappy reproduction.  Some strange half-bullheaded creature.  SMUG, but man I love that orange.  I have to admit that the orange is different kind of marker from the Sharpie.  It is a Zig double ended marker, Clean Color.  It is the most beautiful orange in a marker I have ever found.

Orange in markers usually ends up dull and listless or as a lighter clone of red, but the ZIG orange slides on smooth and covers evenly the FIRST time and is bright and full!  It also solid and thick, almost like paint, but it is not a paint marker.  The orange is great, but I still love Sharpie for all my other colors.  :-)  Vive Le Sharpie, but Hurray for Orange ZIG!

{Sharpie and ZIG}


I find it interesting that in the first reproduction, the ZIG marker seems unaffected by the flash glare, but the Sharpie is blurred and desaturated.  Regardless, a much better reproduction here.  The lines are crisp and the color is accurate.  Once again - Hooray for scanner!

While examining this piece, I think I just found a name for my scanner: Bifrost, the Norse rainbow bridge.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Io Pan!

I spent a good bit of time trying to truncate this image once it reached this state, but I finally chose to accept it as it is.  There are so many elements that are important to the meaning of this piece and every time I tried to crop it or manipulate it further, something important disappeared.

Here is Crowley's Hymn to Pan.  An interesting symbol to start the new year off with. Also, there are some elements hiding in this piece that remind me of some of the strange artwork associated with Alchemy.

Recommended Listening:
Access to Arasaka
from Oppidan

{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}

UPDATE 011515:

This piece is now available as a tshirt or other paraphernalia at my Neatoshop.  Drop by and check it out!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

From the Sketchbook Archives: Face of Darkness

This is from one of my sketchbooks. It was inspired by an image of Randall Flagg from the television miniseries for The Stand. There is a scene where Stu is dreaming of Mother Abigail and Randall Flagg is standing in the corn.  Flagg opens his eyes and they are all red and glowing - VERY Creepy!  I was trying to capture that same feeling that the image from the show gave me - Creepy half light with demon fire within.  Once again I must apologize for the glare.   Heavy sharpie just does not photograph well at all.  :-(



Another update from the Rescans.  This is one that benefits greatly from the rescan.  When photographing the original post, I discovered to my chagrin, that heavy sharpie reflects a flash like polished silver.  No matter what position I placed the image in, I couldn't get a shot without some kind of glare.  Here that issue is completely resolved.  Also, the color on this one is just fantastic.  It looks exactly like the page.  Have I mentioned that I love my scanner?!?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

No Peeking

Katie woke with a start.  She grinned.  Was it time yet?  Was it time?  The room was still dark but for the safe warmth of her night light.  She listened for Bobby to see if he'd beat her downstairs.  The house was silent.  The street light outside cast a lightning thin slit between the curtains and across to the door opposite.  Mom and Dad said not to get out of bed until morning.  NO PEEKING! Katie frowned and fidgeted under the covers.  What if she needed a drink of water?  What if she had to potty?  She wouldn't peek.  She'd promised.

Katie closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but suddenly her insides were all tingly and excited and she knew she had to go potty.  She pushed the covers back and huffed at the ceiling. She wouldn't peek. She wouldn't even look down the stairs.  She would just potty and come right back to bed. Santa knew she was a good girl. She wouldn't peek.

She slipped out from under the comforter and tiptoed to her bedroom door.  It creaked loudly as she opened it and her eyes went wide.  She kept still and waited.  Did mom hear? She held her breath, one foot carefully balanced on tip toe for her next step.  She exhaled and placed her foot flat on the floor.  Maggie, the family Chihuahua, leapt through the open door and onto her foot.  She squealed and fell backward.

Maggie was on Katie's face in a flash, licking her repeatedly and making her giggle.  Katie held the dog back with both hands and whispered fervently, "Maggie no!  We have to be quiet!"  She managed to push the eager dog back enough to get on her feet.  "Ssssh!"  Katie dusted herself off and glared at Maggie.  Maggie looked up intently and wagged her tail.

Katie pushed the door all the way open and stepped out into the hallway.  The tingling was growing worse.  The hall was almost completely black, but she could see the nightlight in the bathroom at the far end.  She faced the wall as she moved.  Halfway to the bathroom the hall became a landing that looked over the living room and if she wasn't careful she'd be looking right at the Christmas tree.  She was pretty sure that would count as peeking.  She took quick steps and was on the toilet in no time.  Maggie whined as Katie closed the door.  The dog whimpered and scratched at the base of the door, trying to get in.  "Maggie, No!"  Katie whispered as loud as she could.  The dog whimpered and then Katie heard the familiar kathump kathump of Maggie descending the stairs.    

As she wiped herself clean she heard a thump on the roof.  Oh No Santa!  She zipped her jammies up fast and rushed to the door.  She opened it a crack and looked down the stairs.  No lights on.  She quickly tiptoed out.  Halfway back to her room, She heard another thump, downstairs this  time, followed by a yelp from Maggie.  Katie stopped without thinking and looked directly through the railing at the Christmas tree.

There was a sound like wrapping paper tearing, then  someone was chewing loudly with their mouth open. Katie could see someone moving at the base of the tree.  She stepped up to the railing.  "Bobby!  Bobby!  Mom said we were supposed to wait until morning!  I'm gonna tell!  I'm gonn-"  The thing that wasn't Bobby turned its head to look directly at her.  In the dim colored light it looked like a Christmas elf, but some thing was wrong with it.  Its clothes were spotted with something dark and its eyes were empty like a closed down store. Beyond the creature, Katie saw a dark spot in the carpet and something that looked like a chicken leg.  The Elf thing stood and turned toward her, its face a tight rictus.  Its mouth was covered in something shiny and dark.

Katie wanted to scream, but all the air was gone. She turned to run back to her room and tripped over a present lying in the hallway.  It collapsed under her weight and spilled its contents onto the hardwood floor, a thick dark liquid that was warm and sticky.  Katie scrambled to stand, her breath coming in short quick gasps.  Her arms and legs fumbled beneath her like a cartoon character slipping in oil.  Tears poured down her face.  The thing from downstairs was at the end of the hallway. It twitched and giggled and slowly stepped towards her, its fingers jerking like it was playing piano.  I didn't mean to peek, she thought.  It was too late, the Chrsitmas elf has seen her.

{Images created in Adobe Illustrator}

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