Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Featured Creature: The Night Thing

Here we have a strange winged denizen of the night. Once I'd inked this piece, I didn't care for the flame hair, but it was already integrated in the drawing.  However, in Photoshop I was able to remove it.  When I began adding the tones, a seed of a story came to me.  It didn't take long for it to explode into a full short story, but I haven't gotten it to a finished state just yet.  Expect an update with the full story soon.

Here is the beginning of the story:

Monday, January 28, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: Transformation Requires a Sacrifice

In the case of this piece, perhaps what is being sacrificed here is a point of view. An allowed releasing of perspective to expand to a greater understanding.  This also points to the necessary changes that all transformations require.  If one needs to live in water, one must grow gills and fins and if one is to live in a realm of fire, one must accommodate a certain level of continuous destruction.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: Throne of the Moon

"The throne shimmered with an eerie glow as the aperture in the ceiling opened.  The full light of the moon fell in a fan across the chamber.  In that delicate pallor a figure was revealed.  It was nearly invisible in its transparency.  In the radiance of the throne I could see inside it as though I were viewing a living xray. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Two Red Eyes Trailer

I haven't seen this movie, but I do find this trailer very compelling.  There is a quality to it that dredges up my childhood fears from watching The Legend of Boggy Creek when I was two years old.  Check out Two Red Eyes on Facebook.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

From the Archives: Heads

These sketches were all drawn so close in time frame, I decided to post them  as a group.   Seeing them all together like this, they kind of look like a gang of creepy demon goblins here to cause trouble for some intrepid hero / heroine.  But who is their dark master?  hmmm...maybe I will make these guys into a super villain team.


UPDATE 031213:  To find out what dark flower grew from these sketches, check out my posts for The Devil's Square.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Featured Creature: Deconstructed

My experiences in November and December of 2012 inspired this robotic piece.   I haven't approached any science fiction or robotic oriented pieces in the Featured Creature until now.  I guess I was a little gun shy as most of my work tends to be primarily emotive, mythical, or magick based.  I suppose this is still within the realm of emotive: a revelation about ego presented as fictional construct.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: From the Lake of Fire

"The lava separated with each of its steps, sizzling and retreating at the disruption like water dropped suddenly into hot grease. I didn't realize that I was seeing an ambulatory entity until it was almost fully emerged from the lake. It's energy matrix must be magnetic, I believe, to allow it to exist in this most inhospitable of environments. I was able to film about three minutes of footage of the thing until it stepped out of the lava. Its proximity quickly melted my remote camera.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech is copyrighted. Share it anyway.

I've never heard this entire speech or seen all of this  footage before in my life.  I'm very grateful for this video.  Help keep the internet free, share this video!  Can't stop the signal!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: Lake of the Dead

Its waters hold the secrets of beyond,
but the dead are greedy with their truths.
Knowledge comes from only a sip
but at a dreadful price.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nightscape Trailer

Sometimes you don't know that you've been waiting for something until you see it.  Check out their website here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

From the Archives: Rotting Apple Teeth

A sketch from long ago.  A Goblin named Rotting Apple Teeth.  He's a yucky mix of Blix from Legend and that damned clown doll from the first Poltergeist movie.  I suspect he is involved with the frightening of children.


This piece was Exhumed and reinvestigated with color and fiction in September 2014.  Check out the Exhumed image here.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Featured Creature: Spirit Path

"Between the mundane world and the land of shades there are many paths.  On these trails, the two realms collapse onto each other like stacks of magazines dropped and scattered.  Many a strange apparition exists on the twilight passages that lead beyond, but few have returned to share what they have seen."

Monday, January 14, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: Limboland

The strange nowhere place of being severely physically ill.  Reaching out into the emptiness for resolution and finding more grey, more hopelessness as your life is drained away.  Struggling for breath and life as it winds down, down.

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