Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New Gallery: Psyche Delectus Tenebrarum

I've neglected my abstract work for some time and feel it needs a little TLC.  I realized that the Featured Creature shouldn't get all the gallery action at Zombie Bites, so I'm constructing a gallery for my psychedelic abstract works.  It is in the baby stages of construction at this point, so it's a little rough around the edges.

From the Archives: The Man Who Fought The Clock

This was a supporting character in one of my dark superhero stories, but I had considered at one point telling his tale separately as a singular horror piece.  He is nearly driven mad by his fight to preserve the world from a dark supernatural force.  He finds the ultimate enemy hidden behind the forces of power and corruption. It manifests to him as clocks.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Featured Creature: Priest of Vz

" In the dream, I was at a business meeting or presentation of some sort.  There was a large crowd of people surrounding a meeting table.  The presenter kept losing his place and starting the presentation over. 

I was distracted by a man in a black suit standing at the window and away from the group.  He was looking out across the cityscape with his back to the group.  He had his hands joined behind his back and occasionally I thought I heard him whisper something.  The presenter bumbled his speech again as I rose to ask the man to join us.

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Abstract: The Forge of Gebruah

Deep within the sphere of Judgement and Fear, we pass through the pressurized eye of the cosmic needle and into the purifying furnace of the Sun.  The Forge of Geburah burns away all that is not necessity.

Friday, May 24, 2013

New Abstract: Sophia in the Throne Room of the AllBook

In the Throne room of the AllBook, 
Whispered prayers congeal into the grammar of existence.
Each character etched in its pages becomes a Life,
each written paragraph a World,
each chapter a Universe.

Sophia sings into the pages of the AllBook
and the stars alight at the touch of her breath.
Sophia sings into the pages of the AllBook
and at the end of all time collapses into nothingness.
Sophia sings into the pages of the AllBook
and within the throne room,
Sophia sings into the pages of the AllBook.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

From the Archives: Vampire Hunter

Here's a vampire hunter from a story world I was developing some time ago.  In this world, most of the protagonists and antagonists were vampires.  He was to be a bit of an ass and difficult to get along with.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Featured Creature: Slave of Vz

Following is one of the 911 call records from the Santee 57 Incident that occurred the evening of May 1st, 2012 at 9:12PM EST:

"Dispatcher:  911 Where is your emergency?

Male Caller: There's been an accident!

Dispatcher:  What's your location Sir?

Male Caller:  I'm at the Santee 57 Motel.  A woman just crashed her suburban into the side of the motel.  She was thrown out, She's lying face down.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From the Archives: The Phalman

"Androgynous but with a high level of brute strength, the Phalman is a savage and dangerous entity.  No one knows exactly where it came from or if its species is other than human.  Some speculate that it is a demon in the form of a man, others say that is like a werewolf but in a perpetual state of madness and savagery."

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