Also - Rachel has asked that we remind everyone that the Indiegogo is a FIXED funding crowd sourcing, much like Kickstarter. This means that we only get funded if we make our funding goal. Otherwise we have to try again.
There's only 32 days left until the Indiegogo Fundraising deadline. If you haven't already, please check out Skin Crawling on Twitter, Facebook, and the fundraising page at Indiegogo!
Hi Jesse
I will surely check out Indiegogo, but before I do that, I need some help. I'm new to the blogging scene, and so am still learning. I was posting a comment on the Horror Blogger Alliance, and I wasn't able to add a hyperlink. Kept saying no http allowed. I could bold and italics but couldn't add the link. I noticed that you got it down, man, so could you let me know how you did it? Glad I found your site. Rad design and great colors. I look forward to taking more time and checking it out this weekend. Will donate some to the indiegogo as well. Until then keep those fires stoked. Thanks for your help. (I can't seem to hyperlink on yours either.)I'm sure it's me. No confidence issues here! hah!
Eternally Yours
Warden Stokely
High Warden! Thanks for the comment and the accolades!
There's always something new to learn in the blogging. As to hyperlinks within comments: I am going to give you a couple of links to go to because if I start typing it here, it will turn it into a hyperlink instead. So try here or here or here. Also I'm giving multiple links as sometimes things disappear on the net. This way if one goes, you'll have two others.
Thanks for viewing! Come back anytime! :-)
Hey Jesse!
Thanks for the tips, guy. This is the third comment I've started, as when I try to preview it, the only option I have is to x out of the linked site, and I lose it, haha, but so far, they've taken me to the right sites! I just can't get back! hahaha. Oh wth, if I'm doing it right, I'm getting lots of practice. So here goes. To test my new found skills, here are a few of my favorite horror blogs: Behind the Couch, Grimm Reviewz, and Movies at Dog Farm. Until next time, Jesse, keep those fires stoked.
Eternally Yours
Warden Stokely
Warden Stokely Horrozine
Hi Warden! Looks like you've got it! All the links worked flawlessly. :-)
Depending on what browser you're using, sometimes I've noticed that the previews can be a bit wonky. I'm using Firefox and they tend to show up screwy more often than not. :-o Also depending on the browser, once you are previewing the comment, if you right click on the link, it may give you the opportunity to open the link in a new tab/window...that way it doesn't muck with your preview.
Also, if you expand the window a bit and right click on a white area it may give you the BACK option. This option also may be dependent on your operating system. I'm on a Mac and I have no idea if Windows will even do that. :-/
Good Luck and let me know how things go. Thanks for the add on your site. :-) I'm following.
- J
Thanks for the new tips, Jesse. And your quite welcome for the addition of your banner to my Blood Donors page (Hey! I should make that a link!;))...truly warranted, you're graphics and colors are awesome, and great luck with your Skin Crawling Comics Anthology at Indiegogo! I will make a small contribution. Thanks for following. Until next time...keep those fires stoked.
Eternally Yours
Warden Stokely
Warden Stokely Horrorzine
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