Showing posts with label Chronicles of Vz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chronicles of Vz. Show all posts

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Featured Creature: Eagle of Vz Part II

Continuing the fiction from the Featured Creature post, Eagle of Vz:

The Eagle of Vz
Part II

As soon as the Eagle's spotlight eye landed on me, I took off.  I used the same trail I'd followed up to the house, but I still nearly broke my foot several times running helter skelter through the darkness.  As I leapt over a large root in my way, the angle of the hillside sharpened suddenly and I lost my footing.  I slid the last fifty feet.  I finally stopped, a cloud of dust swirling around me.  I jumped up immediately, knife in hand.  I had landed on the next street down and just several yards from a street lamp.  I could hear the beast screeching far above me.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Featured Creature: Eagle of Vz

The following is a continuation of the fiction begun in the Featured Creature Spawn of Vz Post:

"I had just finished spreading the salt in a circle around the house when the flames began to show through the windows.  I took a small vial from my pocket and moved to each of the four directional points on the circle.  I sprinkled a splash in towards the house at each of the points. The tincture of blessed oils and water would seal the little bastard in and make sure the fire did it's work.  I had to stick around until I was sure that the spawn was dead, but I needed to be far away when the fire department arrived.  I stepped away from the house and picked up the duffel bag I'd brought with me.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Featured Creature: The Spawn of Vz

"Slowly, I moved into the room.  The smell of mildew and rot was overwhelming.  I covered my mouth and nose with my shirt sleeve, trying not to gag.  The floor was a sea of trash: half eaten pizza crusts, emptied soup cans, a bicycle tire, myriad candy bar wrappers, a soiled shirt, empty soda cans and bottles, a child's stuffed animal, wadded paper and boxes, and several filthy overturned buckets.  As I crossed into the room, large dark shapes skittered out of my path, disappearing into the canyons of trash.

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