Wednesday, July 03, 2013

From the Archives: Dream DiBit

These iridescent scarabs showed up in a couple of dreams I had long ago. They were about 3.5 inches long and about as thick as the width of a teaspoon.  The reproduction I've done here is close but I feel like it needs to be redrawn on black paper or some such.  I created the second image in Photoshop to get a little closer to their actual appearance and color from the dreams.  They seemed to have a black base color with a opalescent metallic sheen to them.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Featured Creature Summer Vacation

Sorry for the delay This week.  I've been dealing with some health issues this past month that have challenged my ability to focus.  I am also working hard on coloring a second story for Skin Crawling Comics.  Add to that a Mercury retrograde and one of the most astrologically active summers ever and you have a cocktail of complication. 

I've been feeling increasingly exhausted the past few weeks and it has finally caught up with me.  I've decided to take a few weeks off Zombie Bites.  Call it my summer vacation if you like.  I aiming to gear back up around the 23rd, but it may be the 30th before I'm back  on track.  I'll keep you posted, as it were.  Sorry.  Accidental puns.  See how tired I am.  :-P  See you in a couple of weeks.  Stay Scary!

Psyche Delectus: Red Walls

Voices like bear bone wind chant,
breathing in the mist thick aroma of herb and incense.
In the dimly lit tent of prophecies,
future echoes dance as wall cloth ghost shadows.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Psyche Delectus: The Lord of Under

He hails from deeper waters,
his every step the revolution of great wheels.
All your enemies fall before him.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Skin Crawling Comics Update: Controversy and Questions

Wow.  The Mercury retrograde in Cancer  kicking in this month is NOT fooling around.  A controversy has emerged involving a contentious  Kickstarter project and is directly affecting the future of Skin Crawling Comics.  I won't rehash what has already been said more thoroughly and eloquently by other sources, but instead I'll point you towards some relevant links:

The Project:
Above the Game

The Petition:
Do Something

Kickstarter's Apology:
We Were Wrong

The Organization Donated to:

Comic Bastards:
Carl Boehm: Skin Crawling Comics Takes A Stand

Fanboy Comics:
Barbara Dillon: The Kickstarter Dilemma: One Creator's Perspective in Light of the Controversy

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

From the Archives: Earth Man

This is one of my first color explorations into working with Sharpies.  I think there may be some other type of marker involved here also.  This was at the very beginning before I converted to Sharpies only.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Featured Creature: The Disc of Abrasax

The Disc of Abrasax originally appeared in a fiction created for a previous Featured Creature post, The Night Thing.  Although unnamed at that time, I knew the disc was important and would appear again.  In the image here we have the disc as it appeared at the end of The Night Thing.  The following story is what happened to the disc and Ricky since we saw them last.

Monday, June 24, 2013

UPDATE: Psyche Delectus Tenebrarum

Just a quick heads up from the Psyche Delectus Tenebrarum.  I've just added more links for posts from December 2012 - January 2013 at the bottom of the thumbnail gallery and more images to the slideshow.  I hope you enjoy!

Psyche Delectus: Within The Jungle

I come to it
in the waking hours,
like a second heartbeat
within the roots of the trees.
Another worldwalker, far and away,
beats the drums of his experience.
In my own shadow hut,
I feel the echoes of his song. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Skin Crawling Comics Update 06.20.13: The Serpentine Cure

Things have truly begun to turn around this year.  By no means has my life returned to the comparatively quiet days before 2010, but I'm seeing some light at least.  Having wrapped up my coloring gig for the Buried story within Skin Crawling Comics, Rachel Pandich has offered me another coloring gig.  WAHOO!  I'll be coloring a story called The Serpentine Cure.

I just got the inked pages and have begun my preparation for coloring.  I wish I could say more really, but I don't want to drop any spoilers.  However, as soon as I know more about the books availability I'll post that.  I'll also have to check with my fellow creators and editors to see if I can post some teaser art.  I'll get on that.  In the meantime, here's the creative team:

The Serpentine Cure

Tatiana Christian - Writer
Jenay Gordon - Artist
Rachel Pandich - Editor
Gerald Rathkolb - Editor

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

From the Archives: Lost Comic Page

This was the first page of a comic book project that got scrapped called He who Dies With The Most Toys.  I was doing the penciling, inking, and  lettering for the entire book.  I think it was just a bit over ambitious for my abilities at the time.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Featured Creature: The Staff of Phyligor

Excerpted from Liam Hofstadter's report for the Department of Extranormal Phenomena (DEP), Superhuman and Supernatural Threats in the New Millennium:

"The Staff of Phyligor is an old world artifact of immense occult power.  Physically, the staff is a simple stang approximately 5.5 to 6 feet tall.  Although the blade and base bulb seem to be made of a silver like metal, the dark material of shaft is unknown.  Those few that have observed the staff in person indicate that the full length of the shaft is inlaid in strange runes of some lustrous black metal.

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