Thursday, July 25, 2013

Skin Crawling Comics Update: 072513

In her recent post, Crossing the Line, Skin Crawling Comics' Editor-in-chief, Rachel Pandich, talked more on the Hoinsky Book controversy at Kickstarter and the direction of  SCC fundraising.  That leads me to this weeks big news: the fundraising issue has been resolved and Indiegogo is now the host for fundraising for the Skin Crawling Comics Anthology!  WAHOO!  Just click here or the Indiegogo logo below to check out the fundraising page. The Indiegogo will run until September 13th, 2013.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

From The Archives: Memory

Sketches of a panel sequence from my notebook inspired by a young man I met at the time.  His immense feelings preceded him.  This was to become a layout like some of my other sequential poetry work.

{Ball Point Pen}

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Featured Creature Update: Delays

Sorry to be the bearer of delaying news, but any new Featured Creature posts are on hold until I can finish my coloring work on The Serpentine Cure for Skin Crawling Comics.  The coloring process is pretty much full time and I have to give that precedence for the time being.  As soon as that is finished, though, I have several creatures waiting in the wings to creep forward.

On a happy note, comic book coloring is the kind of work that I've been working towards and it may become financially viable for me. It would be a dream come true.  Sorry again for the delay, but hopefully this will allow me to get a bit ahead when the Featured Creatures do return.  :-)  See you soon.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Psyche Delectus: Knights of Valzoth

The bringers of Death,
the armored puppets of Doom,
the Knights of Valzoth are never slain.
They only slumber until called upon
to rise once more from their coffin stables
and raise their blood soaked hands
in mechanical fealty to their dark master.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Preview: Jimmy's End

Skin Crawling Comics Update: 071813

Between world events, several personal challenges, group ethical and moral clashes, and one of the most intense astrological summer's on record, I feel like I was shoved underwater at the beginning of June and am only just beginning to surface.  With the record nonstop rains we've had for the past three weeks, underwater isn't far from the truth.

Slowly but surely the pages for the Serpentine Cure move forward.  The process for full color imagery is a bit more involved than what I've done before now. I'm in the process of whittling down the rough edges on this very steep learning curve. I'm picking up speed, but only very slowly.

I've finally got all the pages for the story 'flatted'.  Flatting is the process of putting in all the flat base coloring for a comic book page.  Once I got knee deep in flatting The Serpentine Cure, I realized why colorists pay other colorists to do it for them.  It is extremely exacting and time consuming.  Flatting has been the biggest time consumer in this whole process so far.  Like I said, a steep learning curve.

The Serpentine Cure

Tatiana Christian - Writer
Jenay Gordon - Artist
Rachel Pandich - Editor
Gerald Rathkolb - Editor

In the meantime, here's the color version of the Skin Crawling Comics cover.  I don't know if this is the final version, but very cool regardless. I hope you enjoy!

 Skin Crawling Comics on the web

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

From The Archives: Struggle

Some older sketches for a panel sequence.  I was never sure if this were a comic book or some bit of animation.  I may still use it somewhere, but in a different form.

{Ball Point Pen}

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

From The Archives: Floating

This sketch is an earlier exploration of the same idea I used in a later piece.   This piece is also in the same arena as The Old Blue Man from the Interior Life set over at Trail of Breadcrumbs.


UPDATE 060614:

This piece was Exhumed and reinvestigated with color in June 2014.  Check out the Exhumed image here.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Psyche Delectus: Time Management and Other Sundries.

Recent developments have eaten much of my time and I feel as though I've lost a good bit of quality on what I've been posting here at Zombie Bites.  Also with the time and focus required to complete the coloring I've been working on for Skin Crawling Comics,  I just don't have as much time across the board. I've been losing too much sleep and my creative wheels have pretty much locked in place.  Something had to give. 

With this post and for the foreseeable future, I will only be posting my abstract work for the Psyche Delectus Tenebrarum once a week.  It is possible that I may return to more frequent posting in the future, but for now I need to cut back to avoid burning out.  I'm hoping that as one door closes another opens and that the work I'm doing for Skin Crawling will blossom into more assignments and a new chapter in my art life.  Time will tell.  Regardless, many thanks for reading and viewing.

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