Showing posts with label Zombie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zombie. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Featured Creature HZO: Dracula

"I heard one of the children gasp.  I looked up from my candy dish and saw a young boy in a Dracula costume at the end of the walkway.  It looked like  he had fallen or something.  His cape was torn and his pants leg was shredded and he seemed to be favoring one foot as he walked.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Featured Creature Halloween Zombie Outbreak: Ghost

In honor of the of the darksome holiday of ghouls I am trying an experiment to see if my pen and pad are quick enough.  From now until October 31st, the Thirteen Days of Halloween, I'll be bringing you one zombie trick-or-treater a day.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Featured Creature: One-armed Male Zombie

Here's another decaying undead shambling from the darkness. This one used to be male before the change and has more of an appetite now, or perhaps he is just waving to say hi or reaching out for a hug.  I'm not sticking around to find out.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Featured Creature: Female Zombie

Ah, Lay's potato chips and zombies:  You can't have just one.  Hot on the heels (so to speak) of the crawler from last week we have a female zombie shambling from the darkness and into light.  The outbreak is underway!

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Featured Creature: Crawling Zombie

This piece focuses on one of things that freaks me about zombies, other than the crawling-around-with-no-legs part.  Unlike many others denizens of horror, zombies can be out in the daylight.  They don't care about day or night, legs or no legs, they are only focused on the 24 hour diner called YOU.  Yeesh!  Watch your ankles.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Devil's Head II: The Unquiet Dead

In the dark caves of Hell, trapped and hungry, forgotten desires map out the cursed gift of their continuance.  Their garbled chanting wears the air thin with obscenities.  They stretch free of the underworld like separating meat.  Toothless and eager and undead, they seek us out for one last wet embrace.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Night of the Living Dead: Barbara Zombie

In the original Night of the Living Dead, the last we see of the main character, Barbara, her delicate fingers are disappearing into a mob of the undead as she screams.  What happened to Barbara after her undead brother pulled her through the door and out into the horde?  Here is my vision of this undiscovered zombie.

Monday, January 30, 2012

From the Skechbook Archives: Sharpie Zombie

Here is the first sketch from the my recent sketchbook.  At the time, I had just gotten my first taste of my new gigantic Sharpie set and wanted to play.  This isn't really all that great a drawing across the board, but I wanted to include it regardless.  This is me unfocused.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Up on the Rooftop

"Later that night, he heard the jingling again.  Faintly, just as before, it circled the house like a passing car.  As before, the soft padding crunch of snow and again, the faint jingling.  He stood in the kitchen, a cigarette quivered between his enraged fingers. He smoked two more as the jingling continued for another fifteen minutes. He'd had it with those damned kids.  Ed grabbed the broom and his flashlight and headed out into the snow.

"Alright you little bastards!" Growling, he threw the door open and waived the broom in a wide arc.  The light flashed across the snow.  It was smooth.  No footprints.  He stepped out, broom at the ready.  No footprints anywhere in the yard.  His face full of confusion, his broom lowered.  He heard the jingling again, just beyond the corner of the house.  He raised the broom once more and moved to intercept. They weren't gonna get away.  The snow on his ankles tickled and burned with each step.

At the corner of the house he found no footprints, but could still hear the jingling. Something hit his arm and bounced into the snow.  He leaned over and picked up something wet.  It took him a moment to adjust his hold on the broom and get the flashlight up to his other hand.  It looked like a shredded piece of cloth from a coat, but it was covered in red paint.  No.  No, it wasn't paint.   Ed dropped the cloth and backed away from the house.  His line of vision moved slowly up towards the roof.  His mouth hung agape at the sight of the thing.  It was chewing absently above the bloody patch it made, a ring of bells circling its neck.  Each time it chewed, the bells would softly jingle.

Ed turned and ran.  The flashlight fell free into the soft snow, a small glowing thumbprint disappearing behind him. He hadn't gone that far, the door was just a few more feet away.  He heard a loud snort and his bladder emptied into his pajama pants.  Then there was a hard pinch at his neck, like when his mother used to grab him as a child.  His arms flailed as he was yanked back.   Ed screamed, but then a rough blow at the back of his head made him quiet.  He felt dizzy now.  He lurched and vomited blood as the pinch at his neck grew harder.

"I'll be good Ma.  I won't do it again."  The pinch grew harder still and he knew he was gonna get a spanking.  Then he was flying, flying up and into the christmas sky.  A trail of paint splattered on the snow beneath him. No. No, it wasn't paint."

Recommended Listening:
Torchbearer, Kill the Light
Elegies for the End

{Image created in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop}

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Zombie Permutation

A permutation on the Zombie Self Portrait. I resized it and added some elements to use this image for my business card. 

{Digital images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Zombie Self Portrait

Zombie self-portrait....or maybe just dead self portrait. hmph... {Digital Photo manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Digital Webbing Zombie

This is the Zombie image I created for the DigitalWebbing Zombie DrawOff.

{Pencilled, Inked, Scanned, then Colored in Photoshop}

Zombie Victim

Here is the logo for my blog. Soon there will be T-shirts.

{created completely in Photoshop}

UPDATE:  Zombie Bites became Available so I changed the name of my blog to Zombiebites!  :-)

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