Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Featured Creature: The Thing in the Tree

Here is something creepy and furry in preparation for upcoming Krampusnacht.  Sorry there's no fiction this week, but I am currently struggling through a rough bout of the flu.  I even got the flu shot this year.  Go figure.  I'll update as soon as I can. 

{8x5.33,  Sharpie and Uni-ball Vision Elite Pen with color added in Adobe Photoshop}

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Apologies for the tardiness of this week's Featured Creature.  Things have been a bit hectic leading into the holiday and I didn't realize that my automatic post was for the wrong date until early Wednesday.  I hope everyone has a pleasant holiday!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

From The Archives: Loose Sketch Zombies

More loosely sketched zombies and poses this week.  With the larger portrait I brought in a fine point marker for more detail.  I usually keep my imagery very separate, but with the looseness of these sketches, the images all began to blend together.

{8x5.33,  Marker}

Featured Creature: Scene at the Shores

Ron shifted in his seat and took a large bite of his cinnamon pastry.  The Quis Terra cafe was in full morning rush.  A line of customers ran from the cash register to the door and most of the seats were occupied.  He took several sips of his fresh latte.  The morning had been chilly and he enjoyed the warmth in his mouth.  He heard someone talking loudly when the door to the cafe opened.

Outside, a homeless man was confronting a large woman in dark green dress.  He had been peripherally aware of the the vagrant pacing outside when he was standing in line earlier.    Ron had overheard another customer complain and Frank, the manager, said that he had called the police.

The woman glared at the transient and moved around the him to enter the cafe.  The cars in the street beyond them blurred in a haze of movement.  With an urgent shift, the vagrant turned and disappeared past the edge of the front window, ostensibly chasing after another victim to harass.

Ron finished the last of his pastry and disposed of his napkin.  The woman in the green dress was complaining to the cashier and pointing towards the front of the store.  The cashier was nodding apologetically.

"At least something is being done," Ron thought.  He grabbed his briefcase and latte and moved to door, waving to Frank as he left.  When he exited the shoppe, Ron could see no sign of the vagrant.  He sighed with comfort and moved down the sidewalk towards the subway entrance.  As he passed the alleyway between him and the entrance, the dirty man rushed from the shadows of the alley at him.  His coffee slid out of his grip and twirled once in the air before splattering on the sidewalk.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Psyche Delectus: The Spider Wizards of Ith

Dread sorcerers of the Winterlands,
Their cloaks deny
the shape of their intent.
They walk as men do,
triumvirate terrors of the snow.
They pretend fireside intimacy,
in truth seeking only succor
from the sanguine cup of a heart.
Where they pass
only wind and bones live henceforth. 
Beware the Wizards of Ith!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Psyche Delectus: Invisibles Day 2013

The dark half of the year is in full swing and Odin and his wild hunt are coursing the land.  Even though we still have a dark month long trek to the winter solstice, this day has become a hallmark to me for the re-ignition of failing light.  It marks a variety of events both personal and global, microcosmic and macrocosmic.

On November 23rd, 1995 Grant Morrison involved the readers of his comic book series The Invisibles in a group act of sigil magick.  Check out the original letters page to see how the idea was initially presented.  Join me today in my annual celebration of The Invisibles Hypersigil

Friday, November 22, 2013

Exhumed: If Flesh Could Crawl

The original piece was part of larger set, but didn't necessarily match up stylistically.  Working in color, I wanted to move the piece more towards my original vision: A molten figure singing in a pit of fire.  The fiery emotions here have built up to a point where they are consuming everything.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

From the Archives: Loose Demon Sketch and Figure Poses

Here are some super loose marker sketches from some time ago.  Either the marker I was using had a brush tip or I was having a spastic sharpie day.  I do not recall.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Featured Creature: The Mask of Mephistopheles

Excerpted from Marge Hollander's Digest of Demons and Devils:

This golden horned mask was commissioned by the nineteenth century Italian actor Arturo del Volto.  In 1831, under the patronage of an unknown nobleman, Arturo was paid to facilitate the creation of the mask at a local smithy in Umbria.  The mask was to be used as a special costume piece for the role of Mephistopheles in a production of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Faust at the Teatro delle Visioni.  It is wondered by many occult historians if Arturo made some deal with his own devil due to the apparent curse of tragedy and death that followed the mask after its forging.  Arturo would wear the mask only once.

Accounts of the mask's creation indicate that odd materials were added to the forge during the casting process.  Timber was brought for the forge fire that gave off an unpleasant smell when burned and bystanders remarked on the odd color of the flames once it had been added.  During the casting, the process had to be halted multiple times.  The flames within the forge were burning so hot that they threatened to consume the forge itself.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Exhumed: The Black Sun

This image was originally posted on my other art blog, Trail of Breadcrumbs, but I feel that its tone and meaning work better here at Zombie Bites.  Here we have a personification of the Black Sun, an Occult as well as Alchemical symbol.  When coloring this piece, I felt like the image needed some moody lighting to set off the brooding aspect of the piece.  I wanted to give the piece the feeling of a much larger space so I added a mist effect by layering a series of soft gradients throughout the image.

{8x7.28, Sharpie with color added in Adobe Photoshop}

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