Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Psyche Delectus: The Portalland Calling

I heard the owls hoot
two nights running.
They were closer, 
louder than I had heard before.
It took me a day's confusion
to sift the answer:

Concentric circles repeating,
like polka dots,
like breadcrumbs,
structured shadows
caught in a sideways glance
and the echoes of their shapes
plain in his light.

two tin cans
with a taut string between them.
My hand wrapped gently around the one.
I raise it up 
to my open mouth.

Recommended Listening: 
Oneohtrix Point Never 
A Pact Between Strangers 
from A Pact Between Strangers
{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Saturday, September 08, 2018

Saturday Sketch: Moon Knight

Here's another Moon Knight sketch.  This one from is from no particular time period.  I was looking at Bill Sienkiewicz's run (in the later issues) and some of Keith Giffen's work for Marvel Comics from the mid 80's (Nightmask, Justice, Daredevil).

{8x5.33,  created in Adobe Photoshop}

I claim no copyright for the properties represented in the Saturday Sketches.  All copyrights and trademarks are retained by their respective owners.  I make no money from what I am presenting here.  It is presented for portfolio and appreciation purposes only.

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Psyche Delectus: Ghosts of the Implosion

The skin peels away in revelation
Despite all bluster, all scrambling interference,
the inevitable end comes.

Recommended Listening:

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Monday, August 20, 2018

Psyche Delectus: Happy Birthday H. P. Lovecraft

His tales haunt us,
recounting dread
within the nested chambers 
of time and dreams.
They inculcate us with knowledge,
vast and terrible,
of the primal, 
the outer dark.

Recommended Listening:

{Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Psyche Delectus: Entrance to the Tunnel

All the complex machines of Mankind
cannot keep the dead from arising.
The Past is never over,
only buried.

Recommended Listening:

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Psyche Delectus: Older than Human

Ignorant, we shamble about,
while the ground beneath our feet
is steeped in Ancient blood.

Recommended Listening:
from Hypnosis

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Friday, December 08, 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Psyche Delectus: Invisibles Day 2017

The Masters Speak
Time reveals all things.

hough the dark half of the year is full upon us, there comes a day for rekindling the fire.  Each year on November 23rd I celebrate the re-ignition of failing light with a new piece of art dedicated to one of my favorite comic books series, The Invisibles.

On November 23rd, 1995 Grant Morrison involved the readers of his comic book series The Invisibles in a group act of sigil magick.  Check out the original letters page from the comic to see how the idea was initially presented.  Join me today in my annual celebration of The Invisibles Hypersigil!

Recommended Listening:

Previous Years:


{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Psyche Delectus: Fall of a Great Height

It is a fear, a relief, a grief, a light, a warning, a hope, a dread, a release.

It comes or us all.

Recommended Listening:

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

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