Thursday, April 18, 2013

Featured Creature Bonus: Devil's Square, Scratch Portrait

Here is a portrait of Scratch from the Devil's Square.  I was in between things at the library and felt like a bit of color sketching for a change.  It was a fun challenge also as I didn't have my entire pen collection with me so my color palette was limited.  I had to create some of the colors by mixing others: one of my favorite pastimes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

From the Archives: Devestation

Here we have the dying embers of a vast destructive blaze.  This piece was painted during a daunting time when I felt my creativity was dwindling towards permanent extinction.  I'm happy to be writing this post and for my creativity to still be burning. I have felt this way again very recently, but the universe, just this past week, gave me back my hope.  :-)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Featured Creature: Devil's Square, Screwworm

Excerpt from Liam Hofstadter's report for the Department of Extranormal Phenomena (DEP), Superhuman and Supernatural Threats in the New Millennium:

"Concerning the eldest member of the Devil's Square, the entity known as Screwworm seems at first to be only a simple battle Mage.  However, our research indicates a much higher level of prowess than shown in the feats he has been observed performing.  He may only be a proficient illusionist or we may be looking at one of the most dangerous magi this department has every encountered.  It is unknown if his teammates are aware of the extent of his abilities as our records indicate an acceptance of and satisfaction with his actions to date.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Computer News

I think my computer issues may be resolved, but I'm still on hold for a couple of days and I don't want to jinx things before everything is resolved.  Hopefully, I will have good news come Monday and can get back to my regularly scheduled posting.  Wish me luck!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Computer delays

Truly when it rains, it pours. My posts are delayed for the foreseeable future until I can get my computer up and running once more.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

From the Archives: Khamael Sketch

Here we have another older sketch of Khamael.  When I was scanning this in I decided to play a bit in Photoshop.  I really just wanted to see what kind of molten fiery effects I could get out of his flame hair.  :-)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Featured Creature: Devil's Square, Scrag

Excerpt from Liam Hofstadter's report for the Department of Extranormal Phenomena (DEP), Superhuman and Supernatural Threats in the New Millennium

The vampire, Scrag, was resurrected and released from his tomb by The Devil's Square. It is the assumption of this department that he was raised from his vampiric torpor with the lifeblood of the thirteen corpses found drained at the site of his tomb. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: The Kingdom of Him

Sorry for delay on this one.  It  hasn't been a great week for things running smoothly on any level.  Today is no exception.  With Mars conjuncting Uranus, expect disruption to plans and actions today.  I wanted to have some nice descriptive text for this piece, but I've got nothing.  I've had a severe sinus infection since last Friday that is making it impossible to think clearly.  Maybe I'll come back later and update once my brain returns.  We'll see.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

From the Archives: Khamael

After this piece was finished, I spent some time crying in observation of it.  There was a question emanating from my soul and this image emerged as the answer.  I felt like I was seeing something about myself and the world, an undeniable truth, an irrevocable limit.  At that time in my life, I was wrestling with issues involving conflict, self-confidence, fear, and initiating action.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Featured Creature: Devil's Square, Scream

Excerpt from Liam Hofstadter's report for the Department of Extranormal Phenomena (DEP), Superhuman and Supernatural Threats in the New Millennium:

"The banshee entity called Scream is the most recent member to join the villainous extranormal group known as the Devil's Square.  Her origins are unclear at this time, but her first appearance coincides with a sighting of the group at the Novedian library archives.  DEP has deployed agents to that area, but no evidence as yet has been discovered.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: The Red Power of Sekhmet

Sekhmet is the vengeful lion headed form of Hathor.  She is a daughter of Ra and her name means Lady of Strength, Lady of Power.  Sekhmet's aspect is of justice, bloodlust, and violence.  Here's an interesting video I found on correspondences with Sekhmet.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tattoo: Vinnie's Celtic Bear

This final tattoo design, I created for my friend Vinnie.  Initially It was designed for his left arm, but he is considering having it placed on his back between his shoulders.  Time will tell.  He wanted a bear in profile surrounded by Celtic knotwork that was made of stone and covered in lichen.  The first bear image I created was almost a three quarter view, but Vinnie was concerned that it would be difficult to read as a bear once it was translated onto his skin.  I created the second bear image you see above to solve that problem.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tattoo: Worlds Within

Here we have an echo of sleeping Vishnu and a visual record of a time of personal recuperation.  The black and white piece was Originally posted on Wind of the Gods, but I refurbished it with fresh color for the Asheville Tattoo Festival.  Hmph - I just noticed a Mayan glyph quality to this image. I may have to explore this square construction more.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tattoo: Krampus as Mescalito

Originally drawn for a Featured Creature post, here were have an image of Krampus transformed into the consciousness expanding Mescalito.  When I started adding color to this piece, I began with red skin.  I didn't care for that direction and wasn't sure where to head next, but when I accidentally inverted the red layer to green in Photoshop it set me on the right path.  I'm very satisfied with the intensity of the finished image here and will probably be creating more Mescalito images soon.  :-)

New Abstract: Descend to Begin

The path to truth always begins with a descent. Beneath the world of illusion, an underworld lurks.  The doorway can take many forms, a pit trapdoor, a dark stairwell, or a even a mouth, but always it leads away from the mundane, the known, the assumed.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tattoo: Valknut

I was attracted to drawing the the Valknut initially because of the design aspects, but I've always had an interest in Norse imagery and mythology.  I also enjoy celtic knotwork so that was how I approached this piece.  However, looking at some of the history of this symbol, I may do another piece of the Valknut as the Borromean rings.

From the Archives: Vampire

Several portrait sketches for a vampire character from a comic book fiction I was working on in the early 90's.  At the time I was very much into the giant hair.  Here though I see the beginning of some of my later more chiaroscuro visuals.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tattoo: Batman Throwing Star

Here's a tattoo I created for a friend last year.  He wanted to reproduce one of Batman's throwing stars from the Christian Bale Batman movies.  He wasn't sure about the size he wanted the finished image to be, so I created it in Adobe illustrator for lossless scaling.

Featured Creature: Devil's Square, Scratch

Excerpt from Liam Hofstadter's report for the Department of Extranormal Phenomena (DEP), Superhuman and Supernatural Threats in the New Millennium:

"Of the super villain quartet known as the Devil's Square, the pygmy creature Scratch is considered the most physically dangerous.  Often seen collared and escorted on a chain by his group, this creature's numerous escapes give clear reason for his restraint.    Despite his small stature, Scratch is lethally violent and has caused hundreds of casualties during his few encounters with humans.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tattoo: Man in the Moon

Drawn in 2001, here is a man in the moon image refurbished and toned for a tattoo design.  This piece was Originally posted on Trail of Breadcrumbs.  I removed the background for a cleaner more easily reproducible image.  When I was adding tones, I had initially given the image a cast of color, but upon reflection I chose to use only the black and white tones.  With only the black and white tones, if anyone wanted to add color later a variety of color choices could be made.  With each of the Tattoo images I am posting this week, I'm including the original line drawing so that tones or color can be addressed separately from line work in the tattoo process, if necessary.

Zombie Bites New Abstract: The Horse of Time

Across vast deserts of time, the message comes.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Zombie Bites New Abstract: Griffin and the Rebirth of Self

In the library of experiences, we see the first signs of movement as the protective cocoon begins to split.  The complex and continual process of re-imagining the self reaches a critical stage.  Through the separating membranes of the chrysalis we observe a mysterious figure.  Shedding the vestiges of the old identity, soon the new self will emerge.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

2nd Annual Asheville Tattoo Festival, March 14-17

Later next week, the city of Asheville, North Carolina will be celebrating it's Second Annual Tattoo Festival.  Check out their website for a full listing of the festivities and information on the cool guests coming.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

From the Archives: An Origin of Grahtennas

Here is an earlier drawing of the Arch Duke  Grahtennas.  At the time I drew this piece,  Grahtennas had a vastly different appearance and aspect.  He was more of a toad like goblin than an actual demon, but even then he was a type of royalty.  This is the second drawing I created of him.

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Featured Creature: Connection

In the dream, the room was dark.  I kept mumbling a phrase I did not understand.  My voice was strange, garbled and echoing.  I felt like I was dancing.  I raised my arms and returned them to my sides several times.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Featured Creature UPDATE: The Night Thing Part IV

The following is the conclusion of the short fiction presented for the Featured Creature piece, The Night Thing.  I will be posting the update to the original post also If you would like to read the pieces as a continuous whole.

The Night Thing Part IV

"STOP!"  The man in the circle raised his hand flatly towards Ricky but did not look towards him.  Ricky looked at him wide eyed, questioning.  "It has not left us.  Stay inside.  Lock the door."  Ricky slowly closed the door and locked it once again.  He slumped to the floor. He and the ragged man sat in silence for a long while.  The ragged man had assumed a meditative stance and had closed his eyes.  Ricky scanned the darkness beyond for any sign of movement.  His jaw was tight and his teeth chattered lightly like he were cold.

"Whu-What is that thing?" Ricky finally asked.

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