During third and fourth years of the Maze parties, so many people were playing the Murder in the Maze game that we developed an alternate set of rules for a second murderer within the game. This was to help the game last a little longer with a large crowd so that everyone would have the opportunity to be "killed". Also, sometimes the games would run long and people would have to head home to bed and had not had a chance yet to be the murderer. So we inserted a second murderer to up the ante across the board! There were several variations on how the second murderer was activated and came into play. I don't remember them all, but following is the rule we used most often.

Once this unknown murder had occurred, it would throw off any theory anyone had developed so far on the identity of the murderer and turn the game intrigue up to 11! There was always lots of chatting after we were finished playing about who was where when and who secretly or not so secretly was watching or overheard when the murders were committed. Lots of fun moments in the dark scaring the crap out of each other! Good Times! :-P
The first piece of art here is the flyer for the 2000 Maze party. The flyer was printed on neon green and neon orange paper. I apologize for my crappy scythe. The image of Jack here has a MUCH better scythe! :-) Over time, Jack kind of became the official mascot for the maze parties.
{Pen & Ink, Text created in Photoshop}
The second piece of art here is the box I created for the deck of cards I created in Photoshop for the game. During that time I had backed up many of my art files to zip disks and did not realize my error until too late. I don't remember the exact year it occurred, but rapidly over several months time, all of my zip disks began to scramble and become unreadable. I found out far too late that this is something that happens with zip disks over time. I lost two years of artwork due to the scrambling. The Murder in the Maze deck artwork was on those disks. I've looked through all my old files to see if I had a hidden copy, but have not found any trace of the cards.
The person on the front of the box is my friend Don. He let me xerox his face and use it as the cover. The image from the back of the box is a skull painted by my dearly departed friend Ratboy aka Mike. It was attached and used as the keystone in a fearsome archway we built for the entrance to the maze. I'll see if I can find a picture of the archway and post it at some point. The background is from several photos Don took of the black plastic that we used to construct the maze. Those photos were used in the website we created to celebrate and advertise the Maze. The website only ran for a couple of years but is no longer present on the web. In my next post I will post some of the work I did for the site and give some more background info on it.
{Digital images manipulated in Photoshop}