Friday, January 04, 2013
Thursday, January 03, 2013
Questions: Recommended Listening?
In posts involving my abstract works, I often included links below the images to music that I feel is relevant or to my current playlist. My goal was to offer an extra bit of ambiance to the images by creating a soundtrack to dark worlds I am envisaging. However, time has gotten a bit crucnchy for me recently and I'm looking to save some time in my postings. Those particular links require a good bit of time and research.
My question is this: Do you, my readers, find those links useful or interesting? Do you check the links or investigate the musicians?
I was considering adding a Recommended Listening page as some of the music has begun to repeat. This way I could keep the links and save a bit of time. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
My question is this: Do you, my readers, find those links useful or interesting? Do you check the links or investigate the musicians?
I was considering adding a Recommended Listening page as some of the music has begun to repeat. This way I could keep the links and save a bit of time. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
From the Archives: The Marriage
I haven't drawn in this style for some time, but much of my work used to look like this. After my Drawing II class in college, my drawing style changed dramatically. I became very aggressive with prismacolor and elements of collage began to integrate with many of my drawings. It was a very experimental time with media. I was a smoker at the time and I collaged the gold foil from my cigarette packs into several drawings.
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Last Bites of 2012 Part II: The King Beneath the Soil
Continued From
As difficult as 2012 has been, there have been several positive developments within Zombie Bites and beyond. July and August brought a collaboration with the Horror Blogger Alliance curator Jeremy Hawkins, aka Retro-Zombie, to create the 2012 designs for the HBA Tshirts. Also this year I finally realized a vision that I have been working towards since I began revitalizing Zombie Bites: The Weekly Featured Creature. I've had the idea since I began this blog, but circumstances and opportunity haven't coincided until this year. I'm just pleased that the creatures have been so well received. My number of page views has nearly doubled since the Featured Creature began! Thanks to everyone for your interest and support!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Last Bites of 2012 Part I: Janus Tunnel
I find myself in a strange emotional space as 2012 winds down to a close. This past year has been incredibly turbulent and in many ways disheartening, but as I look across the work I created during this year, I feel uplifted. If anything else fell to the wayside or was destroyed by the chaotic forces unleashed in 2012, at least this body of work came through me. This year has tested me in ways I never imagined possible, but at least amidst the waves of tumult, I managed to keep the art flowing.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Featured Creature UPDATE: Bathroom Floor Zombie

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
From the Archives: Emptiness
A creepy sharpie sketch from some time ago. This was a developmental sketch for a painting. After scanning the image, I did a little tweaking around the edges in Photoshop to cover up the white. The white made the cloaked figure a little hard to see. I was trying to achieve a subtle ambiguity with the darkly cloaked figure in night darkness. Where does the shadow begin and the figure end? It still needs more work, but a solid idea.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Featured Creature: Snake Demon

Monday, December 24, 2012
He Fills the Space
Adobe Photoshop,
Dark Art,
Friday, December 21, 2012
Boat of the Prince of Cups
Adobe Photoshop,
Dark Art,
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