Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Psyche Delectus: Invisibles Day 2016

Though the dark half of the year is full upon us, there comes a day for rekindling the fire.  Each year on November 23rd I celebrate the re-ignition of failing light with a new piece of art dedicated to one of my favorite comic books series, The Invisibles.

Last year I missed this day and the year that followed was one of growing confusion and darknessThese things may inevitably be unrelatedI nonetheless return with a renewed fire.

Winter has come early and harsh and there is an old enemy at the gates with a new smiling face and shining promises of a return to past glories.  Deadly, deadly illusion has come calling.  Let this piece be a call to renew the light and the fight. I send this light into the future with hope.

On November 23rd, 1995 Grant Morrison involved the readers of his comic book series The Invisibles in a group act of sigil magick.  Check out the original letters page from the comic to see how the idea was initially presented.  Join me today in my annual celebration of The Invisibles Hypersigil!

Recommended Listening:

Previous Years:

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Psyche Delectus: Naked Amidst the Enemy

Within the baleful eyes of others,
Invisible walls are made.

Recommended Listening:
Black Mountain Transmitter

{8x5.33, Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Friday, September 30, 2016

Exhumed: Werewolf By Night

For my Werewolf by Night piece, I did several sketches in preparation.  One of my favorites caught my eye again recently, so I brought it into Photoshop to explore.  I like the werewolf face here opposed to the one in the finished piece.  This one has a more expressive quality that the other lacks.  The color and lighting focus in this one is simply nighttime.
{11.111x9.861,  created in Adobe Photoshop}

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

From the Archives: Lapine Interior

A musing on interiors with a lapine theme.  My goal is to hang this in the hallway leading to my bedroom.  Originally I had thought for this image to be a small dog's skull, but a hare seems more appropriate.

{8x5.33,  created in Adobe Photoshop}

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