Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Last Bites of 2012 Part II: The King Beneath the Soil

Continued From 

The Last Bites of 2012 Part I: Janus Tunnel

As difficult as 2012 has been, there have been several positive developments within Zombie Bites and beyond.  July and August brought a collaboration with the Horror Blogger Alliance curator Jeremy Hawkins, aka Retro-Zombie, to create the 2012 designs for the HBA Tshirts.  Also this year I finally realized a vision that I have been working towards since I began revitalizing Zombie Bites: The Weekly Featured Creature.  I've had the idea since I began this blog, but circumstances and opportunity haven't coincided until this year.  I'm just pleased that the creatures have been so well received.  My number of page views has nearly doubled since the Featured Creature began!  Thanks to everyone for your interest and support!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Last Bites of 2012 Part I: Janus Tunnel

I find myself in a strange emotional space as 2012 winds down to a close.  This past year has been incredibly turbulent and in many ways disheartening, but as I look across the work I created during this year, I feel uplifted.  If anything else fell to the wayside or was destroyed by the chaotic forces unleashed in 2012, at least this body of work came through me.  This year has tested me in ways I never imagined possible, but at least amidst the waves of tumult, I managed to keep the art flowing.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Featured Creature UPDATE: Bathroom Floor Zombie

Here is the toned version of the Bathroom Floor Zombie.  Check out the original post to compare it to the original sketch.

{Sharpie and Uni-ball Vision Elite Pen with tones added in Adobe Photoshop}

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

From the Archives: Emptiness

A creepy sharpie sketch from some time ago.  This was a developmental sketch for a painting.  After scanning the image, I did a little tweaking around the edges in Photoshop to cover up the white.  The white made the cloaked figure a little hard to see.  I was trying to achieve a subtle ambiguity with the darkly cloaked figure in night darkness. Where does the shadow begin and the figure end?  It still needs more work, but a solid idea.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Featured Creature: Snake Demon

Here we have a raging horned snake demon.  This creepy crawly was created using the Purple / Yellow technique.  At first I was a little trepidatious of adding tones to this piece.  The stark black and white wanted to remain so, but as I began working on it, I tried a bit of hand toning with the airbrush tool in Photoshop and it all made sense.  The more detailed shading added a quality to it that reminded me of graphite drawing. As always, a nod here to the genius of H. R. Giger.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

Boat of the Prince of Cups

He hangs midair like a ghost,
hovering amongst labyrinthine structures.
His secret, the unseen movement of a great wind.
He disturbs not the waters.
His deep understanding of that element allows it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

From the Archives: H. P. Lovecraft

Here's a touched up portrait of H. P. Lovecraft I created to hang in my space.  I wanted a portrait of the horror master to inspire me when I was working, but I didn't want something plain.  I ran the standard image of him through several photoshop filters and voila, H.P. visits Silent Hill!

{Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Featured Creature: Bathroom Floor Zombie

Here we have another zombie from the ongoing outbreak.  This one seems pretty harmless, but beware the unguarded ankle!  That's why you have to check everywhere and under everything when cleaning out spaces for Z.  You never know where a half eaten corpse might be animating.  All it takes is one bite.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Gestation Pits

Beneath my skin I drown,
The world has become incompatible,
toxic to my very essence.
I struggle against this precipice of change,
this pit of transformation. 
I gulp for air
as my lungs fill with water.
Inside me, the sleeping thing gurgles
I don't want it,
I don't want to,
I do not want this.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Featured Creature UPDATE: Autumn Winds Original Scan

After this week's mention on my process with the purple and yellow sharpies, I wanted to share the original color scan for Autumn Winds.  I actually enjoy this piece a lot in its original form.  I spend so much time looking at black ink on top of grey pencil that the variation is very refreshing.  It's like artwork from some weird other world where the light is odd and the laws of physics are different, or the color green doesn't exist.  Check out the original post to compare it to the finished piece.

Friday, December 14, 2012

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