Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Featured Creature: The Maltus Incident

Excerpted from Dr. Liam Hofstadter's report to the Department of Extranormal Phenomena concerning the Maltus Incident :

At approximately 1300 hours Pacific time, The USS Peregrine with full compliment was en route from Hawaii towards the International Dateline.  The Peregrine's mission was to locate and intercept any remains of the fallen Maltus satellite.  The Maltus was a remote NASA experimental satellite with the mandate of testing of drug combination and manufacture in zero gravity.  Once located, the remains of the Maltus were to be recovered by the USS Santa Fe, also en route to the location when the incident occurred.

Skin Crawling Comics Countdown: HorrorTalk.com Highlights "Hoard" Preview - Only 3 Days Remaining

Horror Talk.com highlights the Hoard Preview from Rachel Pandich and  Ashley Lanni.  Check out this free preview and support Skin Crawling Comics!

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Friday, September 06, 2013

The Featured Creature 2012-13: Last Bites Part III, Crawling From The Wreckage

A new year dawned and I began to fully recuperate from my bout of Bronchitis. Within me, new fictions grew from the sorrows of the previous November.  I slowly began to put my life back together and crawl my way back towards health.  The first  Featured Creature of the year, a nasty three tongued demon, was also the first color creature of the year.  It would be spring before I would create another color creature, but by that time a lot would change for me personally and professionally.

Skin Crawling Comics Today: More "Buried" Teaser Art - Only 1 Week Remaining

Here's another teaser card from Buried.  There's a neat short Youtube video based on this panel here.  Check it out!  Buried is written by Bryant Dillon with art by Chris Thorne and colors by yours truly! If you like what you see here and would like to see more, support Skin Crawling Comics!

Thursday, September 05, 2013

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