A previous header of a celestial leviathan consuming the earthly ego.
Showing posts with label Header. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Header. Show all posts
Friday, July 07, 2017
From the Archives: From Above
A previous header of a celestial leviathan consuming the earthly ego.
Wednesday, May 04, 2016
From The Archives: Seaside
Like the passing of a long train at night, out of the great depths, it rose and rose and rose. The rain and ocean spray glittered about it like falling coins. The thing itself was dark grey and black, revealed only by the shining highlights upon its gargantuan form. It made a noise like thick wood creaking under strain. The protuberances at the bottom of its face parted and it bellowed like a claxon. Its voice shook the shoreline.
The robed figure smiled in the torrent of rain. The ritual had taken a complete toll upon him. He quivered with exertion and excitement. He was a mad wanton thing. He raised his arms and brayed into the roaring crash of the tide.
The Leviathan twisted in the shallows, sending walls of water in all directions. The robed figure screamed as he disappeared under one rail car sized appendage.
This is the last of the headers from 2015. I had never drawn (in any detail) a cyclopean Cthulhuian behemoth. The seaside seemed like the best place for hat level of horror. I do have a deep fear of opaque bodies of water... that and behemoth indescribable insect cephalopod Gods.
This is the last of the headers from 2015. I had never drawn (in any detail) a cyclopean Cthulhuian behemoth. The seaside seemed like the best place for hat level of horror. I do have a deep fear of opaque bodies of water... that and behemoth indescribable insect cephalopod Gods.
2015, I wanted to take the headers in a different direction than the
work I had been producing. I chose to adopt a looser style. Although the 2014 pieces all had some underlying element of
dark humor or social commentary, the 2015 headers have all moved back
towards the essence of the work I want to create: horror.
{13.33x4.68, created in Adobe Photoshop}Wednesday, March 30, 2016
From the Archives: Haunted
With the header for November 2015 I opted for a bit photo manipulation instead of a drawing - I ran out of time. I was working with an older photo of myself for a different piece and it became this header. I've gotten a good bit of mileage out of this image of me with a sheet wrapped around me as a hood. It has been a creepy gif, the deadly sin of pride, a white wizard, and here a somber figure in the blood soaked bounds of the haunted forest.
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
From the Archives: The Light Within
Here we have the header from October 2015 of a crowd burned through with jack-o'-lantern faces. I wanted to do a piece for the dark season to evoke that feeling of Halloween without simply repeating the traditional imagery. I wanted something that would give the aura of the unusual that jack-o'-lanterns posses minus the happy go lucky feeling even scary jack-o'-lanterns seem to have. I also wanted to access that unsettling feeling when a large crowd is looking at you and only you....zombie fears activate!
For 2015, I wanted to take the headers in a different direction than the work I had been producing. I chose to adopt a looser style. Although the 2014 pieces all had some underlying element of dark humor or social commentary, the 2015 headers have all moved back towards the essence of the work I want to create: horror.
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
From The Archives: In the Alleyway
I always come back to werewolves. They have been a terror and a sensual draw since I was very young. With this piece I tried to explore what made a werewolf different than merely an aggressive canine. After some introspection and some mood swings thanks to the summer heat, I decided that there is something in werewolves that is, for lack of a better term, "crazy".
The aggression of a werewolf is at toxic levels. They are rabid. There is only one solution for them, only one avenue of egress, and that is bloody terrible violence. In this scenario, I am thinking of lycanthropy as a curse and the werewolf as a doomed soul. After their transformation and summary consumption of human flesh, the only succor they are able to find is in death. This is after all about the horror.
For 2015, I wanted to take the headers in a different direction than the work I had been producing. I chose to adopt a looser style. Although the 2014 pieces all had some underlying element of dark humor or social commentary, the 2015 headers have all moved back towards the essence of the work I want to create: horror.
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
From the Archives: The Burning Dead
This isn't the first time that the burning dead have been a focus for me. They've shown up just before the summer solstice for the past couple of years. I'm not sure what they're all about, but I'll keep coming back to them until I figure it out or rather, they will keep finding me until...
For 2015, I wanted to take the headers in a different direction than the work I had been producing. I chose to adopt a looser style. Although the 2014 pieces all had some underlying element of dark humor or social commentary, the 2015 headers have all moved back towards the essence of the work I want to create: horror.
{13.33 x 4.68, created in Adobe Photoshop}
From the Archives,
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
From the Archives: Beyond the Mountains
With this header, I wanted to evoke a creepy foreboding without any direct confrontational horror. The monstrous thing is far away, but it's big and could be close in heartbeat, especially if it should NOTICE you. eep. ...and worse, there is more than one.
For 2015, I wanted to take the headers in a different direction than the work I had been producing. I chose to adopt a looser style. Although the 2014 pieces all had some underlying element of dark humor or social commentary, the 2015 headers have all moved back towards the essence of the work I want to create: horror.
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
From the Archives: See
It seems each year that February always brings about a rebirth of direction for me artistically, at least with the Zombie Bites headers. Above is the first header from early 2015. After the unsettling events in America during the latter half of 2014, I wanted to find a way to express those feelings of deep seated group intensity, sharpened awareness, and fear filled paranoia.
For 2015, I wanted to take the headers in a different direction than the work I had been producing. I chose to adopt a looser style. It is not as apparent in this piece as I was overcoming the tension of the 2014 year end. Although the 2014 pieces all had some underlying element of dark humor or social commentary, the 2015 headers have all moved back towards the essence of the work I want to create: horror.
{13.33x4.68, created in Adobe Photoshop}
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
From the Archives: Trick or Treat
Here we have the Zombie Bites header from October 2014, Trick or Treat. Trick or Treaters can be a surly bunch if they don't get the candy they want. Who knows what calamity might happen on Halloween night if a Zombie outbreak should occur.
During 2014, I began creating a new header each month depicting a scene associated with the dominate holiday for that month but with a zombie twist. I'll be posting the headers here in From the Archives to give them a nice dark corner to fester in. I'll also be posting the images with and without the logo so you can see the parts of the background image that were covered by the logo. Thanks for viewing and reading!
If you like what you see here, be sure to check out Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, The Horde of July, and Back to School.
{8x2.81, created in Adobe Photoshop}
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
From the Archives: Back to School
Here we have the Zombie Bites header from August 2014, Back to School. As everyone knows, those first few days of the school year can be very challenging. All those young minds hungry for...uhm...knowledge. With fresh hosts all lined up in their seats, a school bus ride would be an ideal set of conditions for the zombie infection to take root. Before the bus driver could realize what all the noise and screaming was about, it would be far too late for everyone. The bus would quickly become a cairn for the living dead.
During 2014, I began creating a new header each month depicting a scene associated with the dominate holiday for that month but with a zombie twist. I'll be posting the headers here in From the Archives to give them a nice dark corner to fester in. I'll also be posting the images with and without the logo so you can see the parts of the background image that were covered by the logo. Thanks for viewing and reading!
I apologize that I am unable to post the header without the logo. I had a computer crash back in August of 2014 and lost access to some of my files and data. I do not currently have access to the logo-less version of this image, but as soon as I do, I will post it here.
If you like what you see here, be sure to check out Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and The Horde of July.
{8x2.81, created in Adobe Photoshop}
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
From the Archives: The Horde of July
Here we have the Zombie Bites header from July 2014, The Horde of July. As the zombie infection spread, all armed forces were called upon to defend the human race. In the end, the soldiers were overwhelmed and reanimated as more mutilated hosts. In the sweltering heat of summer the horde seeks out those it once sought to protect. The horde hungers.
During 2014, I began creating a new header each month depicting a scene associated with the dominate holiday for that month but with a zombie twist. I'll be posting the headers here in From the Archives to give them a nice dark corner to fester in. I'll also be posting the images with and without the logo so you can see the parts of the background image that were covered by the logo. Thanks for viewing and reading!
I apologize that I am unable to post the header without the logo. I had a computer crash back in August of 2014 and lost access to some of my files and data. I do not currently have access to the logo-less version of this image, but as soon as I do, I will post it here.
If you like what you see here, be sure to check out Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, Mother's Day, and Father's Day.
{8x2.81, created in Adobe Photoshop}
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
From the Archives: Father's Day
Here we have the Zombie Bites header from the month of June 2014, Father's Day. Who knows what happened outside to cause the cook out to go horribly awry. What dread horror in the backyard made Daddy this way? Mother and child are safe and hiding within the house, but for how long? Daddy sure looks hungry.
I apologize that I am unable to post the header without the logo. I had a computer crash back in August of 2014 and lost access to some of my files and data. I do not currently have access to the logo-less version of this image, but as soon as I do, I will post it here.
If you like what you see here, be sure to check out Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, and Mother's Day.
{8x2.81, created in Adobe Photoshop}
Friday, November 14, 2014
From the Archives: Happy Mother's Day!
This is the header from May 2014. In this piece I again faced the challenge of the pastel / bright color palette, but luckily the mother zombie takes up a good bit of real estate in the image. With the only light source being the window, that help neutralize things a bit. I did enjoy leaving the happy sunshine and clouds picture mostly bright as a counter point to the horror of the implied action in this scene.
Friday, October 03, 2014
From the Archives: Happy Easter!
Here comes Peter-Cotton-Zombie shambling down the zombie trail! Happy Eastaarrrhhhh!
Here we have the header for the month of April 2014. My fear of people in full body mascot costumes, especially in public places, informed many of my choices within this piece. Making the person inside a zombie and well...I'm done. The color for this piece was fairly challenging. In general, I'm not a big fan of pastel colors. Dealing with those colors as my main palette and trying to maintain a sense of horror simultaneously was challenging.
Friday, September 05, 2014
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Murder in the Maze Part IV: The Website
In 2001, My friend Don and I decided we needed something to celebrate the fun of The Maze. Secretly, while no one was watching, we built a website for The Maze. Don was proficient at code and I was up to my eyeballs in Photoshop, so away we went.

I suppose that is where things went a little crazy. The party that year was beyond huge. We had more people than we'd every had at any of the other parties combined. I believe the cops showed up three times that year. There wasn't any violence or anything...with that many people, we were just a bit too loud. I have to claim some responsibility for the tension and recriminations that followed. That party was TOO big and many boundaries were crossed during and after the party. That was where things changed.

There are still a couple of pieces left to post from the website and a flyer or two I've missed. OH, and did I forget to mention the LEGEND OF THE MAZE! Alas, that is for another post...BWA HA HA HA HA HA!
The website doesn't exist anymore, but I couldn't post about the maze and overlook this essential part of its history. The Carrie trophy was created and photographed by my friend Don and the Skull Keystone was created by my friend Mike and also photographed by Don.
{All the headers were created within Photoshop}
{All the headers were created within Photoshop}
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