Alan put his hands under Tim's arms and dragged him away from the circle as quickly as possible. With the only light coming from the windows now, the corner had become an abyss of pitch. Through the windows, Alan could see that the buildings across the street were dark as well. Only passing car headlights and the darkening grey sky offered any illumination.

"Get up Tim! C'mon Timothy, You've got to get on your feet! We've got to get out of here!" Tim managed to get his feet beneath him and he and Alan rushed towards the table. Nonetheless, Alan kept hold of one arm to support him.
Alan had begun sweating profusely. He knew that this was only the beginning and if he could not get he and Tim back to his house and within the arcane protections surrounding it, they were both in mortal danger. First, though, they had to get out of the building.
As they reached the table, Alan made sure Tim could stand on his own and grabbed his backpack. He directed Tim to his own jacket and kept his eye on the dark passage to the restrooms for any sign of movement. From the pack, he procured the book Tim had been reading earlier, Die Tür Des Bösen. He hoped he could find some indication of what Tim had been exposed to that could lead him to devising some form of defense.