Here we have the last of the fill-in zombies to round out the
HZO. This will probably be my last zombie drawing for a little while. I'm going to stick to non-zombie creatures for a bit until my
self-inflicted PTSD wears off. I am also in the process of rethinking on how I plan to present the
Featured Creatures and what my goals are with these pieces.

I'm going to include the link here for the site that caused my dramatic change of heart. I feel like I need to share this link because of the intensity of its images and its effect upon me. PLEASE BE WARNED: if you choose to hit the link below that this is
harsh material. If you have the stomach for it, the site that broke me is called
Charon Boat.
Thanks for bearing with me and I hope you enjoyed the
HZO. I'll post a toned version of this piece soon.
Sharpie and
Uni-ball Vision Elite Pen with tones added in
Adobe Photoshop}
UPDATE 112512:
Here is the toned version for this piece. This has been a long haul to get the fill ins for the
HZO all completed. The end of October and the whole month of November haven't taken any prisoners. One of my housemates had surgery to have a tumor removed, my other housemate has been sick, my truck is having some kind of catastrophic failure at the moment, and I've been battling the flu for almost 3 weeks. It turned nasty this weekend, pneumonia like, so I may be headed to the hospital soon. You'd think by now I'd learn to respect the evil power of November. It always kicks my butt. Enough bemoaning my fate, eh.
Hey everybody - ZOMBIES!